About Us
Golden Doves Entertainment, Inc. was conceived and incorporated 20 years ago with only one objective in mind: to give the world music from different genres. Each song written sings for itself and dictates its genre. We produce movies, films, shows, documentaries and publish music and books.
In the past 20+ years we have dedicated our time to writing songs and selling lyrics to musicians world wide. We also have being working feverishly on storylines for movies and books. We are fully ready to grab the bull by the horns and show the world that Golden Doves Entertainment, Inc. can soar and touch every soul world wide. Are you ready for us?
Dupsy Opiah, Founder
Dupsy Opiah is a writer/songwriter, producer, currently working on two comedy series. Her children’s books will be published early 2023 and inventions are also coming in 2023. As the CEO of Golden Doves, my ultimate goal is to create opportunities for those who need to cultivate their talents, via music, help writers publish their work, and musicians publish their music. We have scripts and lyrics for sale, to help those who need fresh new ideas for their shows, movies or albums.

Stephen Opiah
Stephen Opiah is a writer, poet and documentary filmmaker. His written work is grounded in philosophical and spiritual themes, which he began exploring at a young age. An avid traveler, Stephen produces visually stunning short films that beautifully captures the essence of each new culture he explores.

Sheron Williams
Successful children's author, trained in film study at Columbia College Chicago in Documentarian storytelling. Sheron is a keen observer of life, having traveled wide and abroad and through very interesting times. The 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s helped shape her world view and her travels have helped her stay current and engaged. Her film aesthetic is heavily influenced by the blaxploitation era and the black renaissance. Simply because it is a dream winning headspace for people of color.